Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tomato Bruschetta


1 Loaf Crusty Italian Bread -- Baguette

2 Cloves Garlic

1/2 Cup Good Olive Oil

Tomato Topping:

3 Cups Ripe Tomatoes, Cut Into 1/2 Inch Pieces

Salt & Pepper

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

3 Tablespoons Fresh, Chopped Basil

Mix together the tomato topping ingredients and set aside. Cut the bread into slices about 3/4 inches thick. Either place under a broiler, or on grill, and cook untill just golden. Turn and repeat. Take the bruschetta away from heat, and first using a clove of garlic on the prongs of a fork, rub one side of each of the toasts . Next brush a little olive oil on each toast. Top with the tomato mixture and serve immediately.

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